среда, 14 ноября 2018 г.

MALL - is mobile assisted language learning. Nowadays everyone bring his/her phone everywhere. So it is very convenient to study by using your device.

Main principles of MALL:

  •  Mobility of the learner;
  •  Focus on the notion of context;
  •  Ability to learn in different locations. 

QR-code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan.

Some ideas of using QR-code:

  • can be used as an addition to the text;
  •  for creating some games among students; 
  • you can get your homework by using QR-code.

Quizlet will help you to learn words! 

вторник, 13 ноября 2018 г.

What is MOOC?

MOOC is a massive open online course (an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web).

Canvas.net / Coursera.org / edX.org all this sites were created to help us in our education. This sites contain all kind of lections, which you can learn online in any time you want. You just should to choose a category you want to study and every lection will open to you. Warning!  Not all lections are free!

Honestly, I know only about Moodle, because we had study in this program at university. This is very convenient not only for students, but for teachers too. If you are a teacher you can give a test for your students online. This programme also will show to students their mistakes when they finish. 

Let's talk about Wiki!

Wiki is a repository of knowledge which can be edited by anybody—including you.The most famous wiki is, of course, Wikipedia, but there are many others.

1. Teflpedia -

- is a wiki dedicated to everything associated with teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) or second language (TESL).

2. Using Wikispaces At UMB -

- (presentation)could be used as an introductory presentation of Wikispaces. More in-depth instruction and clear structure will help your students quickly get used to the new platform.

3. Vicky Davis, Wonderful world of Wikis -

- Vicky Davis offers a wide selection of beautiful wiki examples in education.

I chose these sites because I think they are very convenient for us to learn foreign languages! 
A wiki can  be used in education as a classroom resource center and a collaboration environment. 

понедельник, 12 ноября 2018 г.

 Let's talk about creating test. I think it is now very popular to use Google forms and Sokrative program for students.
Google forms is easy to use. You can easily create your test and send it to your colleagues, friends. Also Socratic has a mobile app. You can create a test and ask your friends to immediately pass it using your phone. It's simple!

I created a test based on Google forms. 
So, I had a task to add some Google services to my blog. I added a translator and a calendar. Good luck!

MALL - is mobile assisted language learning. Nowadays everyone bring his/her phone everywhere. So it is very convenient to study by using y...